Last Updated: June 29, 2018, 10:55 p.m.
Ruaraka Methodist Church has grown from a very humble beginning under quite unique circumstances in the late 1980s. This was an effort by committed Christians who had the desire to maintain their faith and practice Methodism even in Zimmerman Estate rather than join the more established mainstream churches found there then. Their efforts were commendable since they went out of their way to worship in a swampy place and under a tent borrowed from Kenya Breweries!. This interesting beginning gave rise to the now glorious Ruaraka Methodist Church which is one of the most progressive churches in the Methodist family in Kenya.
The church executive and council of elders felt that the Ruaraka history needed to be documented for the current and future generations. This is another major milestone in the Methodist family for a church to have a clearly documented history. Some seasoned and wise members were asked to collate the history and document the same. The team comprised of Mr Joel Mberia (Chair), Mrs. Jeniffer Mwiti, Mr. Justus Benjamin Ibui and Dr. Stephen Laititi Mutunga. The Superintendent Minister Rev. Japhet Kiambi gave spiritual guidance to the group.
I wish to acknowledge the great contribution of these brothers and sisters for the compilation of the history of our great church. Their time, energy and effort are highly appreciated. They have also been pillars of the church living through its history from inception to date. All the men have been former chairmen while Mrs. Mwiti was the founder secretary of the church. May the Almighty God bless abundantly them and their families.
MCK Ruaraka has a rich history and it forms a strong foundation for the future generations. It is our hope that in future, the history will be documented every twenty or thirty years. I thank God for sustaining the church over the last thirty two years. It has taken the grace of God. I also acknowledge all the past leaders and members who have dedicated their resources,time and energy in the service of the kingdom. God bless MCK Ruaraka Church, God bless all Methodists, God bless all Christians.
Kithinji Marangu
Ruaraka Methodist Church started as cell worship in the house of one of the founder members at Zimmerman Estate. The Methodist church had purchased two plots in the estate where the leaders thought of putting up a church. The worshippers were given a tent by the Kenya Breweries in 1988 which they pitched on the swampy plot. Three families continued to worship in that tent and a minister was sent to facilitate them. The then Presiding Bishop, Dr. Lawi Imathiu visited them in 1989 but on viewing the plots, it was concluded that putting up a church there would be too expensive due to the excavation required. They agreed that a better plot had to be bought in a more central place to tap on the catchment of Methodists in the neighboring estates.
A funds drive was organized and a plot was bought in the current church location at Garden Estate for Ksh. 300,000 through the conference office. Construction was done through tireless efforts of the founder members and the first service in the new site was held in 1991 with a congregation of about 15 people. Soon after, the congregation grew and a multipurpose hall that served as a sanctuary was full. This was coupled with the challenge of accommodation Sunday school in grass thatched huts for their services. The Men fellowship took up the project of building the Sunday school classrooms and they managed to build 4 permanent class rooms.
In 2007, the church leaders decided there was a need to develop a strategic plan to capture the various aspects of the church that needed attention. The first strategic plan titled “walking the Second Mile”. was formulated in 2008 under the chairmanship of Mr. Stephen Laititi and Rev. Lydia Kirimi.
The church has experienced tremendous growth in numbers and physical facilities since the first plan. All the Sunday school classrooms were constructed and a magnificent sanctuary (Cathedral) was put up and most facilities modernized. The church has further acquired two plots in the neighborhood at a total cost of Ksh. 83 million.
The huge loan portfolio has impacted substantially on what this strategic plan would achieve given that the church had to take it as a major development agenda for the period 2017 to 2019. In 2014 the vision 2019 was launched as a strategy to clear all the loans within a 5 year period.
The second strategic plan spanning from 2018-2022 is anchored on 7 pillars. It is envisaged to focus more on the spiritual growth of the congregation and enterprise development. The acquisition of the bus is a big boost to the enterprise agenda. With the dedication of the church in 2018, the focus now will be to complete the outstanding loans and focus on developing a multi storey structure to house the Sunday school classes and the Ruaraka School as well as create space for additional offices and meeting halls.
The establishment of Ruaraka Methodist Church was influenced by two distinct initiatives that were initially uncoordinated. In 1984, the Methodist Church in Kenya (MCK) Conference Office bought two plots in Roysambu (Zimmerman estate, plot no 244 A and 249 A) for purposes of future church expansion. In 1986, a few Methodists in Zimmerman estate started a cell group fellowship. These were the families of Stephen Mwiti, Brother Rwito and Erastus Riungu who were meeting at the Mwiti’s house. In May of the same year, the conference office sent Rev. Douglas Machafu to facilitate the fellowship and start Roysambu Methodist Church with the few members but left the worshipers in August, after only three months. The families then joined other vibrant churches within the Estate.
In April 1988, the conference office posted Rev. Ronald Vidide to Zimmerman Estate. He teamed up with Mr. Crawford Mutuma in reviving the Methodist congregation in the Estate.
The Inaugural Service was held on 8th May 1988 with a congregation of five families, at the verandah of the minister’s house. Within two months, the congregation grew to 20 members and elections were held as per the standing orders. An executive committee was elected, comprising the following:-
Mr. Crawford Mutuma – Chairman
Mr. Henry Igweta – Treasurer
Mrs. Jennifer Mwiti – Secretary
The church continued to grow numerically and on 10th July 1988 the congregation relocated from the minister’s compound to a tent that was donated to the church by Kenya Breweries Limited and pitched on the plot owned by the MCK. Rev. Vidide left in August 1988 and Rev. Jacob Nkubitu took over
Rev. Nkubitu teamed up with the then superintendent minister, Kariokor Circuit, Rev. Dr. Jonathan Gichaara in evangelizing every evening, house-to-house, estate-to-estate and the church attracted members from Githurai, Maziwa, Kahawa West, Kamiti Prison and Kenyatta University. The tent was soon full but the conditions there were very uncomfortable due to the swampy ground and winds that tore up the tent. Soon the number of worshippers dwindled leaving very few (about 15 in number) who bravely endured the wind, the rain, and the hot sun.
The leaders had a vision to build a church at the two plots in Zimmerman. The Presiding Bishop Dr. Lawi Imathiu visited the tent on 18th August 1989 and agreed with the leaders that there was an urgent need to put up a church. When the committee, the congregation and the Presiding Bishop visited the plots, it was observed that it would be too expensive to lay a foundation because of the swampy grounds. They recommended the buying a plot, half (½) acre or more in size, in a more central location to serve Roysambu, Garden Estate, Ngumba, Mathare North, and neighbouring estates.
The few members set Jumbo sales every first Sunday of the month to raise money and organized a major fundraising towards the end of the year. This first major harvest was held on 17th September 1989 raising KSh.150, 000/=. A donor, the late Dr. Derman, who had visited the torn tents, donated US$.15, 000 (about KSh.300,000 then) through the Presiding Bishop’s office. Dr. Justus Laichena sent Ksh.4, 000/= from United Church in Canada.
In October 1989, Rev. Ferninad Mkare took over from Rev. Nkubitu. By this time, the congregation had declined due to the state of the worn-out tent, the marshy ground, as well as pressure of raising money every Sunday. The collection from offerings on Sundays ranged from Ksh.64/= to Ksh.144/= per week; this caused serious challenges in meeting obligations as well as serious developmental constraints in the church.
In January 1990, Plot (No.242 Thome V.) was bought at a price of Ksh.300,000/= through the Conference office. The Zimmerman plots were later sold off by the Conference office. In January 1991, construction commenced with the intention of putting up a multipurpose hall first, to be used as a sanctuary while the main sanctuary would be built later. Building the four walls and roofing took about 7-9 months with Rev. Mkare and the secretary Mrs. Jennifer Mwiti working tirelessly to the extent of going to the quarries and supervising workers on site.
Building Character (1992 – 1999)
Upon moving to the new site, the Church changed name from Roysambu to Ruaraka.
The first service in the new site was held on 8th December 1991 with a congregation of about 15 people. Thankfully, the Conference office had provided 20 plastic chairs on which the worshipers sat. Within two months, the congregation had doubled and come 1992 June, there were 48 members. In January 1993, another fundraising was conducted to plaster the walls, fix the windows and the doors. It raised Ksh.150, 000/=. The hall was dedicated on 26th June 1994 by Rev. Prof. Zablon Nthamburi, the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church in Kenya, and on the same occasion the church prayed for acquisition of the next plot to build the main sanctuary.
In recognition of the wide and diverse catchment areas, the Minister and the leadership of the Church mapped out “Estate Fellowships” that would enhance closer interaction between members. These were distributed as follows:-
Zimmerman and Githurai 44;
Maziwa-Kahawa West-Kamiti;
Githurai 45-Kahawa-Kenyatta University-Ruiru;
Gumba-Garden Estate-Thome-Mathare North-Survey-Muthaiga North;
These estate cell groups encouraged members of the Methodist fraternity and other people in their neighbourhoods to join them and also join Ruaraka Methodist Church.
The church also established and empowered the regular fellowship ministries encompassing:-
Sunday School; Youth; Women Fellowship; and, Men Fellowship. The strong Church Choir became a trade mark of Ruaraka MCK from the beginning. Similarly, the youth in the church distinguished themselves as tread-setters in praise and worship. Mission and evangelism crusades formed an important part of church activities, as did the regular overnight vigils for prayer, praise and worship (Kesha).
Rev. Mary Kinoti took over from Rev. Mkare and served from December 1993 and left in August 1994. Rev. Nkubitu came back and the congregation continued to hold monthly Jumbo sales, in preparation for a fundraiser that would enable the Church install electricity, paint the house of worship and build a caretaker’s semi-permanent shelter. Ksh.250, 000/= was raised towards this effort on 01/10/1995. Rev. Peter Kaimathiri took over from Jacob Nkubitu from February 1997 to August 1999. The other development projects that were carried out during this period were:- the Sunday School grass- thatched- huts through the Men Fellowship initiative; and, the ground floor of the office building that was initially conceptualized as a Manse.
The Congregation continued to grow from the initial 15 in 1991, reaching 50 in 1995, 70 by 1997 and 120 by the end of 1999. A project to replace the old chairs with pews through members’ was successfully initiated and the furnishing progressed satisfactorily. The Church leadership through this period was spearheaded by Robert Kigunda (Chairman), Jennifer Mwiti (Secretary) and Justus Laichena (Treasurer).
The church established an outreach programme whereby members offered assistance to the needy and shared gifts and a meal in the Christmas season with Good Samaritan Children’s Home in Mathare.
Ruaraka Methodist Church experienced much growth in the physical, numerical, spiritual and social dimensions in the period 2000 to 2011. This can be attributed to the guidance provided by the church ministers, commitment and focus of the leaders, and the dedication of members as indicated in the improved giving and enthusiastic participation in church and group activities.
Rev. Naomi Kaiga took office in October 1999 and served till September 2001 when she handed over to Rev. Lydia Kirimi. The two ministers related closely with the leaders, various ministry groups and individual members, thus nurturing the ‘Ruaraka family’ that had gotten close-knit in the difficult formative years. The Church leadership through this period was spearheaded by Joel Mberia (Chairman), Eva Munene (Secretary) and Geoffrey Kinoti(Treasurer).
In the year 2000 and early 2001, the temporary Sunday School bandas were demolished and three permanent classrooms built as a special project championed by the Men Fellowship. Extension of this project in 2002-2003 saw construction of two additional classrooms and the Caretakers one-bedroomed house. As the congregation grew in number, the partitioning wall at the front of the hall was demolished in order to increase space for worshipers.
The minister’s manse- a two-bedroom house whose construction started way back in 1997 was completed in October 2003 and got occupied soon after. The service for the consecration of the manse was held on 25th January 2004 and was conducted by the then Nairobi Synod Bishop Rev. Godffrey Simba Mauta in the company of Rev. Mary Nkari the Kariokor Circuit superintendent minister and other circuit staff members.
All along, members of the Building Committee went out of their way to ensure that projects were implemented as planned and to the satisfaction of church members. In particular, Engineer Maingi Muguna ensured that approvals from Nairobi City Council were issued for construction work.
The Church experienced remarkable spiritual growth under both Rev. Naomi Kaiga and Rev. Lydia Kirimi. Outdoor crusades were intensified in addition to improved church programs. Attendance at the main service rose from 150 in year 2000 to 220 in year 2003. The Church started holding two services: the first service from 8.30 to 10.20 am with the youths as the majority and the second (main) service from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Both services continued to grow throughout this period.
A special ministry of deliverance classes was started and spearheaded by Mr. Joel Manyara with the full support of Rev. Lydia Kirimi. This ministry was not limited to members of Ruaraka; it continues to enrich the salvation experience of many.
During this period, church members embraced the spirit of committing their resources to support building and other church projects. Reliance on external guests was replaced by individual members and families, including little children that accepted to be main guests at fund raising events. This strategy saw collection at such events rise to KShs 300,000 and above. Concurrently both regular offerings and tithes/special gifts increased three fold.
In tandem with the growth in numbers, the estate fellowships began to mature into separate congregations. Kimbo Methodist Church started holding services on 14th February 2003 with the support of six families. Some Methodists who either used to attend other churches, or stayed at home joined the new congregation. Ruaraka Methodist Church organized a send-off harvest for the new church, raising KSh.76,000 that funded construction of basic amenities at Kimbo.
During this period, the Church continued engaging with the Good Samaritan Children’s Home.
The Church was also assigned to nurture nascent congregations in Mwingi, and Ndugamano in Murang’a.
Rev. Lydia Kirimi continued to be the Minister-in-charge throughout this period while the Church leadership was spearheaded by Joel Manyara (Chairman), Charity Laititi (Secretary) and Kendrick Mutuma (Treasurer). The team proceeded with great emphasis on spiritual growth as an anchor for all other growth. The Church also established an advisory Council that provided both external and internal backup for the leadership when need arises.
Construction of facilities included a permanent perimeter wall on the roadside, a light reflected signboard, improved washrooms and a modern public address system. The church also acquired a computer and a printer, choir uniform and engaged a trained instructor. A power generator was also acquired, the sanctuary beautified at the frontage and the pastor’s office improved among other internal capacity improvement initiatives.
The introduction of two services on Sundays did not alleviate the inadequacy of space in the sanctuary since the congregation continued to grow. Attendance to the main service surpassed 300 in the year 2004, yet the comfortable seating capacity 130. In particular, the church was attracting a good number of young members who cherished the vibrant family atmosphere.
The church intensified evangelism and worship activities through crusades, keshas pastoral visits. Further, the deliverance classes’ programme continued to grow with several cohorts each year. The Church has nurtured two VOM ministers; Rev. Phineas Mwiti Murega and Rev. Purity Karambu Mukaba who have taken pastoral roles elsewhere in MCK churches
The over flow in membership was seriously considered and it was decided that another worship center be started at Maziwa (Kahawa West). Maziwa Methodist Church was officially opened on 13th March 2005 with the support of about 30 (thirty) families. Once again Ruaraka organized a farewell harvest for the new church that raised over KSh 200,000. The reduction in numbers was felt for a short time and attendance rose back to 260 by the end of year 2007, while the total congregation including the youth and junior church rose back beyond 300.
The giving in form of tithes, offerings and thanksgiving improved continually, but the revenue was not adequate for any major developments to be undertaken. Similarly the special fundraising harvests had plateaued at between KSh. 500,000 and 700,000/=. The then existing strategy of encouraging members and families had experienced fatigue, a new strategy was required in order to achieve and sustain growth.
The Church diversified its outreach programme by incorporating a children’s centre in Kerugoya, Kirinyaga. Members of estate fellowship groups were further encouraged to engage people in their neighbourhoods in church initiated activities. Mentoring of Mwingi and Ndugamano was expanded to include material support.
Rev. Lydia Kirimi continued to be the minister-in-charge up to September 2009 when she left for studies. The year 2008 was one of the most dramatic and revolutionary years in the existence of Ruaraka Methodist Church. She successfully navigated the joys and hazards occasioned by the changes and challenges that were taking place. Rev. Sunday Ibuathu took over in September 2009 and continued up to December 2010. Having come from Mombasa, he tried very hard to introduce a Kiswahili service with little success.
Rev. Hosea Kimathi took office in January 2011 partnered with the leaders’ executive and the Chair of Building Committee, Justus Ibui in ensuring that construction of the new sanctuary got under way. The Church leadership was spearheaded by Stephen Laititi Mutunga (Chairman), Geraldine Gichubiri (Secretary) and Kendrick Mutuma (Treasurer).
The Ruaraka MCK Strategic Plan 2008 – 2013 was developed at the beginning of this period, under the guidance of Dr. Gershon Mwiti and Stephen Laititi with the clarion call “walking the second mile” to emphasize that Ruaraka had moved to a higher level that would present greater challenges and at the same time offer members greater opportunity to serve God. This step was a ‘First’ in the Kenyan Methodist Connexion, and it has been widely emulated.
This period marked the “break out” of MCK Ruaraka from the constraints of space and modest finances. The original half-acre plot became too small for the increasing and better endowed congregation. The search for additional land became a priority with attention focused on the next (Kagiri) plot along Garden Estate Road. The plot was initially offered at KES six million and the Church organized a successful fundraiser that netted KES eight million, but the price was immediately hiked to KES twelve million. The purchase was shelved but the leaders and the congregation remained in prayer.
A decision was taken to start a formal school, Ruaraka Methodist Academy, using the class rooms that had been built for Sunday School. The finishing of the rooms and furniture were upgraded to meet requirements for school facilities. The unused approach road from the back temporarily served as the playground. The Church bought a bus and a van to ferry children between home and school at a fee. The vehicles also served various church groups, and they were also available for hire as an income generating asset.
Following persistent unwillingness of the owners of the neighbouring plot to sell to the Church, a decision was taken to build the new sanctuary on the original plot. The ground-breaking ceremony was conducted on 29th July 2011, and construction of the foundation began in August 2011.
The church chairman Mr Ibui and Bishop Kathia during the ground breaking ceremony
The central plan issue in the Strategic Plan 2008-2013 was identified to be ‘Church growth in numbers, strength and power’. The accompanying slogan was ‘1000 new members by 2013’. Church membership (including youth and children) grew from 400 to 650 from 2008 to 2011 this period, being well on target for the end of the plan period despite the space constraint.
The clergy, with the full backing of leaders, organized series of themed sermons at various times in order to encourage spiritual growth of members. The strategy included invitation of external charismatic preachers as well as in-house encouragers.
The praise and worship team leading worship
The estate fellowships started to develop. This strengthening of cell groups, gave rise to other ideas like merry go rounds and self-help groups which eventually graduated into credit and savings societies. Ameka Sacco is the brain child of Kasarani estate fellowship.
There was vigorous empowerment of group fellowships:- men, women, youth and junior church through focused activities and ownership of projects within the church. Recently the Gamsang fellowship spearheaded the tiling of the sanctuary.(up stairs)
Church Choir
The Church Choir is a critical group to the spirituality of the church. The MCK Ruaraka Choir is vibrant, outgoing, dynamic and innovative in its ministry. They uplift souls of the congregants through their melodious songs. The choir has amembership of about 50 men and women The Church Choir grew their ministry not only to Ruaraka but to various parts of Kenya. The Brigade was revived through training of officers and engagement in circuit, synod and connexional activities.
Deliverance classes continued to be offered with several cohorts in a given year.
The preparation for the first mega fundraising in August 2008 ushered in a turning point and a new era for the church. The leaders accepted the slogan that was crafted by Mr. Charles Kirimi Mbui (Chairman of Fundraising Committee), “8th August 10 million, 10 million 8th August”, and the congregation adopted it as the rallying call. A series of enlightening sermons and seminars then ensued. In the end KSh 8 million was raised, to the glory of God. It proved to all that the members had the resources to drive the development agenda of the church if they were properly encouraged and enlightened. The congregation adopted a practice of organizing one major fundraising event every year for development of the Church, at which the amounts raised ranged around KSh 6 million. There were also other fundraising events for specific purposes
The average regular giving in tithes, offering and thanksgiving increased threefold from KSh 35,000 per week in 2008 to 100,000 in 2011.
The linkages with the community and the services to the less fortunate that had been established earlier continued despite heavy pre-occupation with challenges of internal expansion and widened connexional responsibilities. Mentorship of the mission congregations also continued. It had been observed that some members of the church had not formalized their marriages for various reasons. The Men Fellowship spearheaded organization, and met costs, of a mass wedding ceremony at which 3 couples were officially joined together in church, and committed their marriage to honour Christ.
Ruaraka Methodist Church in the earlier years nurtured two VOM ministers:- Rev. Phineas Mwiti Murega, and Rev. Purity K. Mukaba. Upon maturing, they were posted to work in other stations. As part of capacity building for the clergy, the church supported Rev. Lydia Kirimi to go and pursue a degree programme at St. Paul’s University, Limuru starting 2009. The congregation raised KSh.1.2 million in December 2008 to support her in paying tuition fees and upkeep for the duration study.
Following increased attacks on places of worship around the world and in Kenya in particular, a Security Committee was established in 2011 under the chairmanship of Mr. Stephen K. Rutere. Its mandate is to advise leaders and congregants on safety, security and the related challenges in the face of threats fro m extremists as well as ordinary criminals. A security firm was engaged to ensure 24-hour protection.
Rev. Hosea Kimathi continued serving as the minister-in-charge of Ruaraka Church until August 2012 when he left for studies. He left a big positive mark by participating fully in matters of physical development in an addition to his pastoral ministerial duties.
Rev. Daniel Mwiti served from September 2012 to April 2014. Concerned about stagnation of the Youth ministry, leaders identified and engaged Rev. John P. Gitonga as Youth and Junior Church minister. The leaders further noted a general cooling down in the congregation and resolved to hire evangelist Ken Mwiti as a full-time employee of Ruaraka Church.
Rev. Annie Deche was appointed Minister-in-charge in September 2014 and served until December 2015.
The Church leadership was spearheaded by Justus Ibui (Chairman), Glory Kinyua (Secretary) and Simon P. Kinyua (Treasurer). The Church Executive and Council were constantly called upon to make decision that would have great impact on the welfare and growth of the church. These critical affairs included building, acquisition of land and fundraising programmes.
The old house of worship had to be brought down in order to give room for the construction of the new sanctuary. It was a sad occasion for the founder members who had struggled so hard in very difficult circumstances.
It was then back to the tent! Tents were erected along the southern boundary wall in order to give space for construction of the new sanctuary. Accommodating the growing number of worshipers was a major challenge. Leaders negotiated to lease/hire the neighbouring plot to be used as parking space for the ever increasing number of vehicles.
Acquisition of neighboring land took a dramatic turn: Opportunity arose for the church to purchase the parcel behind the then hired parking plot; Having faith that the two would one day belong to the church, the ½ acre plot was purchased for KES 31 million using a bank loan facility. The ‘parking lot’ was finally offered to the Church for a staggering KES 48 million, on an additional bank loan that was to be initially serviced by the MCK Conference Office (courtesy of the Presiding Bishop, Rev. Joseph Ntombura) in order to enable Ruaraka church complete payment of the earlier loan and then take up this new one up. Construction of the sanctuary superstructures was completed and the congregation held the first service there in 2014 marking realization of the dream of a Methodist cathedralby the superhighway.
The church continued implementing other projects despite the heavy burden of construction and purchase of land. These include purchase of a Rosa bus for use by church and school.
A contract was negotiated with Safaricom Ltd to hire a piece of the lower plot and erect a communication mast there, thus providing an additional source of income for the church.
The initiatives taken by the clergy and leadership bore great fruit. The ‘Sinai experience’ in the tents saw one of the greatest increases in church attendance and some of the highest quality sermons in the life of Ruaraka church. The quality and passion of praise and worship also increased resoundingly. The church leaders further identified talent in members and gave support for personal development in order to elevate service to the Church.
Ruaraka continued supporting ministers and other staff in capacity building. During this period the following were supported through special fundraisers: Rev. Hosea Kimathi – study in the UK; Evangelist Ken Guantai – study at KEMU; Evangelist Ken Mwiti – Study at PAC-U; and, Teacher Joel Manyara – Study at PAC-U.
Kasarani-Mwiki had been a ‘mission’ catchment area of Ruaraka MCK and Kariokor Circuit for a long time. Members of Ruaraka church who reside in that area had found it increasingly more demanding to travel to Garden Estate with the poor state of roads and ‘uncomfortable’ vehicle transport. A new church was started in Kasarani / Hunters area and the church is progressively growing in numbers.
The clergy and leadership of the church maintained the tempo of motivation of members to continue giving for the work and development of the church. Donation of materials by members for construction of the sanctuary continued throughout. The peak fundraiser in 2013/2014 netted KES 11 million with an additional KES 3 million in pledges (total 14 million).
On acquiring the lower plot on loan, members were psyched into greater commitment for “Redeeming God’s Land”. When the loans increased to two, and combined with the on-going construction to a total need of KES 132 million, “Vision 2019” was crafted and adopted to enable programmed and targeted giving. Members continued giving generously enabling servicing of the loans; however challenges were experienced in meeting all obligations to the Circuit, Synod and Connexion.
The annual MCK Conference held in August 2015 approved establishment of Ruaraka Circuit with effect from January 2016. Other churches in the circuit included Kimbo, Kasarani
The church continued with the ministries to the needy; evangelism; outreach activities by the Choir, youth and other group fellowships.
Clergy | |
Name | Position |
Rev. Japhet Kiambi | Superintendent Minister Ruaraka Circuit |
Rev. Marian Kerubo | Circuit Minister |
Rev George Mutembei | Circuit Minister/ Youth Pastor |
Rev. Purity Karambu Mukaba | VOM minister |
Lay Leaders | |
Mr. Kithinji Marangu | Church Chairman |
Mrs. Charity Kanja Kimathi | Secretary |
Mr. Mutuma Mugambi | Treasurer |
Dr. Catherine Kanana | Vice chairperson |
Mrs. Betyline Mutwiri | Assistant Secretary |
M/S Carol Gatwiri Kithinji | Asst. Treasurer |
The Nairobi synod Bishop with the members of clergy
The Church leadership was spearheaded by Kithinji Marangu (Chairman), Charity Kimathi (Secretary), Kendrick Mutuma (Treasurer).
MCK Ruaraka church is committed to the highest levels of corporate governance and we endeavor to ensure that we uphold the highest levels of transparency and accountability in the management of church finances
The church finances are managed via a budget system which is approved every year during the AGM. The executive implements the budget and all major expenses are discussed and approved by the leaders in the weekly meetings. We have a full time accountant who is responsible for updating the books of accounts and does regular bank reconciliations. The accounts of the church are audited annually and the same presented to the members during the annual general meetings.
The church has embraced a culture of consultation and inclusiveness in decision making. We normally hold weekly meetings to deliberate and make decisions on key issues affecting the church. At the beginning of each year, we normally have a work planning retreat to review the activities of the previous year and strategize for the year ahead. At the middle of the year, we hold a midyear retreat to review the progress of the agreed milestones and reflect on the work of God
The Second Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022) was formulated to facilitate systematic realization of existing growth targets and to include new goals for the changed status. The tag line ‘moving on’ was adopted to capture continuity from the past and at the same time give direction for holistic growth of the Church. In particular, prominence was given to spiritual growth of members at individual and congregational levels. Dr. Stephen Laititi Mutunga was the volunteer consultant for development of this plan.
The new team of leaders took office at the point in time when the on-going projects exerted high financial demands. In addition to the projects, the elevation to a circuit opened new expenditure streams. Despite the increased demands, the following improvements were accomplished:
Installation of state of the art Sound systems in the sanctuary;
Construction of a perimeter wall and gate on the front (Garden Estate Road) boundary;
Construction of additional classrooms for the School in order to accommodate class 7&8
Beautification of compound – planting trees and flower gardens, graveling the parking areas;
Construction of a well and storage harvesting water for cleaning and gardening;
Purchase of a new bus for the church and school.
Construction of a temporary Youth sanctuary to provide for services tailored to their needs; Completion of the Main sanctuary;
In the last AGM held in April 2018, the members approved the purchase of a 33 seater bus to ease the transport challenges being experienced by the school and the church. In line with our 2018-2022 strategic plan, the bus will be a big boost to our enterprise development pillar because the bus will be rented out from time to time within the circuit and beyond.
The church has continued to grow in numbers. Every Sunday, we receive new members in the church. The youth church is also expending and the numbers have continued to grow.
Last year, we renovated the former tent and extended it to cater for the increase.With the coming on board of the new youth minister the youth numbers are expected to grow further
Church members celebrating the opening of the youth sanctuary
The junior church is also growing in big numbers because the majority of members are youthful and in the child bearing generation.
The junior church has an orchestra group which is being trained by Bishop Lee from South Korea. The children are acquiring some rare skills in playing musical instruments. It is envisaged that within a short time, the band will be well equipped to perform and lead praise and worship within the church.
The junior church has formed a boys and girls and it is doing very
Launch of the bible study materials. Book of genesis
In order to enhance the image of the church as a caring community, services offered through the welfare and hospitality departments were strengthened. Similarly, accountability by leaders to members was fully institutionalized through regular financial and other activity reports.
The Junior church have a praise and worship team which has worked very hard under the guidance of Faith Murithi and they have even recorded a CD and DVD which will be launched on 1/7/2018
The junior church praise and worship team presenting to the congregation
The junior church has an orchestra group which is being trained by Bishop Lee from South Korea. The children are acquiring some rare skills in playing musical instruments. It is envisaged that within a short time, the band will be well equipped to perform and lead praise and worship within the church.
Boys and girls brigade presenting in church
The burden of repayment of the loans taken earlier continued to weigh down on members, leaders and clergyman fundraisers were held more frequently to address emerging challenges.
At the same time individual members and groups continued to volunteer and organize special events to raise funds for church projects. Weekly collection on offerings, tithes and gifts averaged KSh300,000/=; mini fundraisers collected KSh 2 - 3 million, while major ones raised KSh 6 million on average. The spirit of commitment to support the church continued to flourish
Since 2008, the church has been holding annual fund raising events to raise resources for the retirements of the loans and church completion. Over the years, we have received support from many stake holders and friends including the past governor`s from Meru and Nairobi counties’
Governors of Meru and Nairobi have graced our resource mobilization events in the past
As part of the church sensitization campaigns, the church has been having Marathons to create awareness of the fundraising campaignsand they have been very successful.
The church continued with donations and visits to the needy in children’s homes, homes for the elderly, hospitals and prisons. Pastoral visits were expanded to cover all categories of members whether in need or celebrating achievement.
Members of the church during a visit to the Muji Wa Huruma home for the elderly
The mission and evangelism team, choir, and various groups continued ministering through visits to other churches, rallies and crusades.
As a responsible member of the society, the Church has collaborated with the Roysambu Sub County to conduct tree planting exercises in the church compound.
Nairobi county Roysambu sub county officials and church members during a past tree planting exercise
By faith all things are possible. The faith of the founders has brought the church this far.
Determination overcomes challenges. The same determination will enable us reach the next level.
Any developments call for sacrifice
Visionary leadership enables people and organizations achieve progress.
We give glory to God who has enabled us as a congregation to come this far and we say, “He is our Ebenezer”. It is our prayer too that He shall expand the territories of Ruaraka Methodist Church.
We thank God for the far that we have come. Today we celebrate the vision of some of the founder members of Ruaraka Methodist Church who sacrificed their time, resources and energy to buy land and build a magnificent sanctuary that we are proud of today. We highly appreciate the visionary leadership of former and current Presiding Bishop’s who have supported the church over the years. It is during the leadership of Dr Lawi Imathiu that the current plot where the church stands was acquired. It was during the time of Dr Kanyaru that we broke ground to start constructing the current sanctuary. It is through the immense support of the Presiding Bishop Rev Ntombura Mwaine that the church has been able to acquire the 2 plots adjacent to the church and completion of the sanctuary.
The growth of the church from inception to the current status has taken dedication and sacrifice by the clergy, leaders and members believing that with God’s help the resources they have can be harnessed to accomplish the assignment that the Lord almighty has set before them. Ruaraka church has continued to attract and retain young members who grow with it and own its vision, mission and values and are ready to raise the standard to the next level. for the glory of God.
Minister | Years |
| (May-Aug 1986) |
| (Apr-Aug 1988) |
| (Aug 1988-Oct 1989) |
| (Oct.1989-Dec.1993) |
| (Aug 1993-Aug 1994) |
| (1995 – 1996) |
| 1997-1998 |
| Sep.1999-Aug.2001 |
| (Sept 2001 – Aug2009) |
| (9/2009 – 12/2010) |
| (01/2011 -8/2012) |
| *(9/2012 – 4/2014) |
| *(09/2014 – 12/2015) |
| *(01/2016 – 12/2016) |
| *(01/2017 ---) |
Chairman | Secretary | Treasurer | Year |
Crawford Mutuma | Jennifer Mwiti | Henry Igweta | 1988-1989 |
Gitonga Imaita | Jennifer Mwiti | Jennifer Kimathi | 1990-1993 |
Robert Kigunda | Jennifer Mwiti | Jennifer Kimathi | 1993-1994 |
Robert Kigunda | Jennifer Mwiti | Dr. Justus Laichena | 1995-1996 |
Robert Kigunda | Jennifer Mwiti | Dr. Justus Laichena | 1996-1997 |
Robert Kigunda | Jennifer Mwiti | Dr. Justus Laichena | 1998-1999 |
Joel Mberia | Eva Munene | Geoffrey Kinoti | 2000-2001 |
Joel Mberia | Eva Munene | Geoffrey Kinoti | 2002-2003 |
Joel Manyara | Charity Laititi | Wilson Kinyua (2004) | 2004-2005 |
Joel Manyara | Charity Laititi | Kendrick Mutuma (2005) | 2006-2007 |
Stephen Laititi | Geraldine Gichubiri | Kendrick Mutuma | 2008-2009 |
Stephen Laititi | Geraldine Gichubiri | Kendrick Mutuma | 2010-2011 |
Justus Ibui | Glory Kinyua | Simon P. Kinyua | 2012-2013 |
Justus Ibui | Glory Kinyua | Simon P. Kinyua | 2014-2015 |
Kithinji Marangu | Charity Kimathi | Kendrick Mutuma | 2016- 2017 |
Kithinji Marangu | Charity Kimathi | Kenrick Mutuma | 2018- 2019 |
Facts about the church