Ruaraka MCK youth are a group of young men and women in their high school, colleges and some starting working careers in various fields of life. The majority are at the stage of shaping their lives with demanding schedules and a multiplicity of activities. Luckily, the youth have robust energy that needs to be harnessed productively to contribute to church growth. The youth of Ruaraka have been participating in rallies at various levels and in their own indoor and outdoor activities. With the introduction of a youth service complete with a worship sanctuary albeit a temporary one, the youth have found ground to advance their agenda and glorify God in their activities. However, they group faces a number of challenges key among which are the situation of the worship sanctuary, completing interests both locally and regionally that threaten to take them away from mainstream church activities and inadequate mentorship programmes.  

By virtue of being on their way to independence from their parents both financially and socially, the youth have to think strategically and smartly on how to survive economic hardships and generate income to cater for their individual and collective responsibilities. This calls for creativity for which MCK Ruaraka youth are not behind. Their innovations have involved cleaning cars on designated Sundays regardless of the car owners consent (they demand pay politely even if one does not want the car cleaned) to selling snacks and currently, to operating a ‘virtue cafeteria’.

The youth of MCK Ruaraka have their own choir. This is a very good step in perpetuating the church choir and praise and worship ministry. The youth have been presenting creative and new songs to the church on regular Sundays..

The leadership of the church youth has been focused and delivers value. This goes all the way from the youth executive to their patrons, their minister up to the superintendent minister. The church executive has further been very supportive of youth activities in full realization of the potential future church that they are. It is in this spirit that the church executive and the advisory council have resolved to recruit a minister fully dedicated to the young church starting January of 2018

Facts about the church

Primary School Classes
Activities per Year